Senior, Brooklyn Boyd is the Senior President of the class of 2024, Boyd is only good at hyping up a crowd at football games but setting good examples in school, and making sure not only she, but her classmates around her stay focused on reaching their goals.
Going into her senior year, Boyd wanted to be able to have a positive impact before she left. She also wanted to look back on something that she could be proud of.

“I wanted to run for Senior Class President to experience a leadership role and to try and bring something new to the school,” Boyd stated.
Seeing past class presidents before her, inspired her creativity and curiosity of introducing her more diverse qualities to the graduating class.
Boyd states, “I wanted to make sure the class of 2024 and my senior year is fun and exciting. I also wanted to bring a wider variety into the Student Council and break stereotypes of the StuCo kids.”
Boyd was surprised when she won the position of class president but she felt that it was a role where she could truly make a difference.
She states, “Honestly when I won I was in shock, because the whole election process and time I was running for class president, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to win, but once I heard my name on the announcements I almost felt like crying. All the time and effort I put into running for class president had paid off, and I was determined to make a difference in my last year here at Shadow.”

As class president, Boyd has had responsibilities such as organizing events, managing budgets, and representing the class of 2024. This has taught Boyd important skills like time management, organization, and being accountable for her actions. All qualities which have helped her reach goals and accomplish many things this school year.
“Some goals I’m looking forward to are graduation and planning senior activities. I’ve already succeeded in a good Senior Sunrise so I know the steps I’ll have to take to accomplish my goals,” Boyd stated.

Not only has Boyd learned to work with other Student Council members and collaborate on projects, she has also learned to work as a team, respect different perspectives, and achieve common goals together. Balancing her responsibilities as class president with her academic and personal life has taught her valuable life lessons that she can use going into college and later on in life as well.
Shipp • Dec 16, 2023 at 12:55 pm
Great article Jayla!