On track to be valedictorian this year, senior, Katelyn Fisk, has a bright future ahead of her. In hopes of joining the electrical engineering field, her hard work, and dedication, have both played key roles in her overall success.
Finding inspiration in those around her, such as her older brother, and former valedictorian, Cooper Fisk, Fisk strives to utilize both motivation, and determination, in getting work done.

Fisk explains, “To get all of my work done, I definitely use the motivation of having time outside of both school, and work, to myself. With determination, I sometimes want to just procrastinate doing my homework, but I just buckle down, and get it done, knowing that just getting it over with, will enable me to have more free time.”
Making the effort to get school work done, before anything else, can take off some of the extra, unwanted stress, and provide more spare time for some other aspects of daily life, such as spending more time with friends and family.
Putting her skills in time management to use, Fisk says how, “being able to balance my school, work, and social life throughout high school, has been amazing. I feel like it’s really easy to let one, or the other, take over, so learning how to keep all three even, has been super helpful.”
Always putting her best effort towards every class, Fisk contributed everything she knew, and gave every assignment her all, in making use of her determination, to support her rising success.
Fisk states how running track & field, and cross country, having to balance the efforts of school, work, and sports, “it definitely gets busy, but I do most of my homework in school, so all I have to worry about after school is practice, and work.”
AP Psychology teacher, Steven Bedingfield, expresses, “Katelyn is a true scholar, that always motivated me to be a better teacher. She had the ability to understand complex concepts, and did a tremendous job in sharing her insights with our entire AP Psychology class. Her generous spirit, and exemplary work ethic, is what I will remember from having her in class last year. Students, like Katelyn, are rare indeed, and I’m glad that I had the chance to work with her. I have no doubt that she will achieve great things in her collegiate career, and beyond, no matter what path she chooses.”