Movies Making the Move to the Big Screen
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The Hollywood sign.
May 8, 2021
When Covid-19 first started, Hollywood had to stop production for a lot of their movies. They started holding films instead of sending them straight to streaming services. Now, with movie theaters starting to reopen, the movies that were kept are slowly beginning to show up in movie theaters and it’s time for people to get back into viewing the best entertainment in the world.

Many people feel like the world is finally coming back to normal, with movie theatres finally being back open and a lot of people are excited about the return of movies.
“It feels like the planets have finally aligned to get movie-going back on its feet in America: new movies are coming, theaters are ready, and there appears to be pent-up demand among audiences,” states
With movie theaters reopening and showing films, it feels like the world is finally getting back to normal again. Changes will be seen because they are following health and government orders. These changes will include seat availability, more screens, and snack bar loyalty programs.
“And just how they will look when they finally do open their doors is anyone’s guess; theater companies are taking their cues from public health and government officials and industry leaders. Most agree, though, that we will see less available seats, more screens playing the big movies and dramatic changes to customer snack bar loyalty programs including drink and popcorn refills,” states
When movie theaters open up they may have a very different look inside that people may not recognize. Not only are the guests excited to

come back, but team members are as well. The health and wellness of the guests and team members will be companies top priorities.
“We are anxious for the day that we can safely and responsibly welcome guests back into our theaters to watch movies on the big screen, where they are meant to be seen,” Harkins Marketing Director Jessica Reeves said in a prepared statement that was published on the Harkins website. “As we make plans for our expected summer reopening, the health and well-being of our guests and team members remain our highest priority.”
Companies are excited and nervous about the reopening of their theatres, because they want the same excitement, even with the rules and guidelines being followed. Movie theaters are excited about them finally being able to reopen, and they are taking many safety precautions for their employees and guests so they can continue to stay open. They are also excited for the new Hollywood films to come onto the big screens where they are supposed to be and share the excitement with the people who come to view them.