Since January 7, many wildfires have consumed the Los Angeles area as well as surrounding regions in Southern California. These wildfires have destroyed thousands of Californians’ houses and displaced thousands of these individuals and families.
In response to the devastation of Southern California’s wildfire crisis, Shadow Ridge High School stepped up to do their part. On Wednesday, January 15, students had the opportunity to participate in the “Money in a Minute” fundraiser held by the Just Serve Club to help support the individuals and families who are struggling as a result of the wildfires. Money bags for the fundraiser were distributed to each classroom, and when the intercom announced the fundraiser, students and teachers had one minute to donate money in an amount of their choice.

Mrs. Ferre, the teacher advisor of Just Serve Club, shares, “This is kind of a personal one for me because my son lives in LA County and has people he directly knows who have lost their homes, and I am from the state of California originally. So, it was something near and dear to my heart wanting to be able to do something to reach out and help people. There were other relief things happening in the valley, so I was just trying to reach out to other organizations and be like ‘Hey, is there something we can do at Shadow?’ Ms. Coyle suggested that a ‘Money in a Minute’ fundraiser would be the most effective if we’re trying to do something quickly, so we decided on that.”
The funds raised from the “Money in a Minute” donation drive went towards the Wildfire Recovery Fund run by the California Community Foundation. This fund contributes to grants for other organizations to give immediate relief to those affected by the wildfires as well as assist in the long-term recovery process.
Overall, Shadow Ridge High School raised $1,402.44 for the Wildfire Recovery Fund in their “Money in a Minute” fundraiser.
“I am amazed and so blown away by the support that Shadow gave. We raised $1,400 in 60 seconds. I feel like that was such an incredible testimony to me to how generous and giving the students and faculty are and how concerned they were about the people being affected by these wildfires,” Ferre remarks.
Junior Lauren Luth, Vice President of the Just Serve Club, shares the same amazement as Ferre of the outcome of the fundraiser.
“The fundraiser was so last minute, I didn’t know how we were going to raise or collect any money in time. Student Council was incredible by making, distributing, and collecting the money bags for us! We couldn’t have done it without them!” Luth comments. “I’m still in shock that we were able to raise that much money in only 60 seconds! I am beyond grateful that so many students and staff members were willing to contribute. It was a really moving experience for me to see Shadow really come together to help the victims of the California fires!”
Donations for those affected by the wildfires don’t have to end just because the fundraiser held by Shadow Ridge is over. Students, parents, and faculty are welcome to contribute to the California Community Foundation Wildfire Recovery Fund on their official website here.