Recently, Shadow Ridge students have taken notice of the new structures popping up around the campus, most notably the fence which encompasses the entirety of the school, and the shade structure in the quad.
The shade structure covers the area in between the two sets of stairs leading to the 800s and 900s respectively.
Campus Security Monitor, Elisha Mcafee, stated, “It’s ok, I thought it would’ve been grander, but if it’s working, it’s ok, but I think we could’ve done more with that one.” Mcafee also adds, “I just assumed it would copy what we already have, I thought it would have more of a three-dimensional shape coordinated with one another. The poles are beautiful though, I love the poles.”
Some of Mcafee’s critiques are shared within the faculty. Shadow Ridge multimedia teacher Barclay Fernandez stated, “I wish it was bigger, wish there were more of them, other than that I think it’s good, because it’s a little more shade, maybe throw a table under there.”
When considering the implementation of new structures and policies at schools, it’s important to prioritize the opinion of students since they will be the ones most impacted by these decisions.
Shadow Ridge sophomore, Alexander Sanchez, provides his thoughts on the shade structure, stating, “I like the new shade structure, it helps keep lunch breaks cooler.”

While most students and faculty members are generally happy with the new shade structure, everyone is left to wonder why the shade structures were built.
Shadow Ridge assistant principal Mack Megown, who was in charge of overseeing the projects, astated, “The shade structure in the quad was upon request from Ms. Kannon, she wanted to get that area so it doesn’t get beat with the sun in the heat all 365 days. It provides some shade for everybody in the time when it is hot and the sun is right over us, and it also gives shade to that part of the building.”
The fence is made up of multiple pieces, the first being in front of the school’s main entrance, this fence is made out of a sturdier blue painted metal. The second piece encompasses the entrance from the gym into the school, this is made of the same blue metal as the first fence. Finally, a less sturdy chain link fence blocks off entry to the portables from outside the school.
Mcafee stated, “I love it, I love it not just because it’s a fence, it’s more than that. I love it because it keeps our students safe, because we do have students who do tend to wander or are curious about some things. So I love the fact that they are safe, you don’t have to watch the people driving up and down the street or anything in that manner. As a parent I think the parents are more comfortable knowing that their kids have that safeguard as well, because we work better with whatever it is us parents are doing, it makes us comfortable knowing that our students are safe.”
Teachers and faculty members seem to be on the same page regarding the fence, as reinforced by Fernandez, who stated, “It’s good, it’s to keep people out, and it keeps the school a little more safe so that people can’t just wander in here.”
While all faculty members and students have their own opinions on the fence, most students and faculty members are unaware as to why the fence was built in the first place.
MeGown elucidates the unpredicted building of the fence, stating, “That’s a school district initiative for school safety, so all high schools are getting those and then all middle schools at one point in time will have that same security fencing put around, so that way you only have that single point of entry in and out.”