Lately on Shadow’s campus, a mashup of mischievous happenings have been going on, all due to a visiting elf.
Pumpernickel Peppermint has been terrorizing Shadow’s campus these past couple of days, playing pranks, and reporting back to Santa on the behavior of the students here.
We were able to get an eyewitness account of some of Pumpernickels shenanigans from Riley Pollock, (freshman). “I was walking through the quad to go deliver something for my teacher, when I saw this little man dressed in green and red toilet papering the Mustang. He had this weird high pitched maniacal laugh that still gives me the chills every time I think about it,” Pollock recounted.
Luckily, before any harm could be done, the mess was cleaned up and the toilet paper thrown away, but the elf had disappeared once again, escaping punishment and off to get into other mischief.
Other hall monitors and students have also reported spotting the little elf defacing school property.
One student said they saw Pumpernickel in the trophy case, doing who knows what.
A hall monitor also had to pull the little elf out of a vending machine, (without touching him of course. That would put them on the naughty list and send the elf back to the North Pole!) after he had been caught in the act of stealing some snacks.

This anonymous faculty member stated, “I was walking by doing my rounds, when I saw that mischievous little elf sticking out of the vending machine. I scolded him for breaking and entering, and of course theft! Then I wrapped my hand in my jacket and carefully pulled him out. Then I deposited him in the nearest trash can.”
But it seems Pumpernickel was able to escape the clutches of the garbage, as Principal Traci Kannon was found tied up in her office last Friday. Kannon could be heard pleading for help, trying to get someone’s attention to release her from the clutches of the Elf.
No harm came to Ms. Kannon, as she was seen back to completing her principally duties as of Monday.
Students here at Shadow should be made aware that Pumpernickel is always watching, and will not hesitate to alert Santa to any misbehaviors.
Pumpernickel would also like students to know that he is good at heart and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. He did say to remind everyone though… Pumpernickel Peppermint is on the prowl and is ready for even more mischief making.