Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the breast, and thousands of men and women have been diagnosed, forced to fight a difficult and hard journey. states ¨In 2024, more than 360,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer. But there is hope. Advancements in early detection methods and support continue to increase the chances of survival.¨
On, there are many different ways people can learn more about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and breast cancer itself as well as the types of breast cancer, stages, early detection, treatments, myths and resources to go to.

However here at Shadow Ridge, there are many people with loved ones who have had to deal with this heartbreaking experience. Shannon Alia, also known as Coach or Mrs. Alia, has had her fair share with this horrible disease.
Coach Alia states, ¨Watching the decline of a loved one is one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. My sister was my best friend and a 2nd mom to my beautiful daughters.¨
On March 22, 2019, Coach Alia had to sadly say ¨Goodbye¨ to her sister, Katie, just 2.5 months before her 40th birthday. Katie was not only a woman loved by all around her, but she was also a bright light in many people’s lives. On her 40th birthday, May 10th, 2019, there was a memorial service held where over 300 people attended and showed their appreciation and love for this beautiful, kind hearted woman, who was taken too soon.
¨Some days are easier than others, some days our grief is like a punch in the face. Anytime we are having a really bad day, we do something that would make her happy. Katie wouldn’t have wanted us to be sad, so we do things she would enjoy,¨ stated Coach Alia.
Katie was recently honored with a donation volleyball game called Dig Pink match, where the Shadow Ridge volleyball community raised money for Stage 4 metastasized breast cancer. Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer is usually known as the advanced stage of breast cancer because it has spread to different organs or lymph nodes far from the breast.

¨The most common areas of the body that cells may spread to are the brain, bones, liver and lungs,¨ stated
Learning about other people’s journeys and experiences can shine a light on many people who are diagnosed or know people who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Although some people have lost their lives, or loved family members and friends, there is always hope.
¨At this time there are more than 4 million breast cancer survivors in the United States¨ states the American Cancer Society.
Coach Alia states, “Stay positive and supportive to whoever is getting treatment. Help them eat healthy meals and encourage them to take care of themselves as best that they can. Journal their thoughts and feelings through their journey, so that feelings and emotions do not manifest into something negative. Journaling is a positive way to express your emotions.¨
Missy Shipp • Nov 3, 2024 at 11:23 am
Great article!
Shannon Alia • Oct 22, 2024 at 6:08 am
Thank you Trinity. Very well written