Welcome to “Are you Smarter than a High Schooler?” The top newspaper trivia game in the nation! Here’s how the game is played, four student contestants and four teacher/admin contestants will go up against each other in a battle for the ages, fighting for the title of Trivia Champion! The students and teachers will each be asked five trivia questions, and be scored based on their answers. A correct answer equals one point, and an incorrect one gets the player no points. This round is the “Spooktacular Edition” full of fun and slightly eerie questions to challenge our participants. Let’s get this party started!
And it looks like the Teachers took the lead for this edition with a score of eight! The Students were close behind with a seven, better luck next time guys! Thanks for playing “Are You Smarter Than a High Schooler?” Stay tuned for the next edition and even more fun trivia questions!
Have A “Ghoul” rest of your day, and we “Witch” you a very happy Halloween!