Staying Focused. Staying Connected.


Photo Courtesy of: Ava Garcia

Writing things down is a great way to help learn material for class.

Elisa Esparza Dorantes, Journalist

Due to the world’s current state, it’s no doubt that the tribulations and uncertainties of a pandemic have been affecting students all across the world. Since virtual learning was implemented in several states and countries because it is a safer option for students during this time, several schools across the country have seen their students fall into slumps.  Whether it be from anxiety or loneliness, it’s no doubt everyone’s having a hard time. Ava Garcia, sophomore, has taken this uncertainty and turned it into a routine.

It’s best to stick to a daily plan according to Garcia. (Photo Courtesy of: Ava Garcia)

“I started the year off not knowing what I was going to do. After a while I realized that it was probably a good idea to get into a routine. I was nervous because I didn’t know what was going to happen or if I was even going to go back to school. I came up with a plan to make sure I was still understanding everything I was being taught. I started writing down everything in a notebook and then transferring it onto worksheets and assignments.”

Research shows that students are more likely to retain information when they write it down. Students who take handwritten notes are more likely to achieve academic success. Garcia takes time precisely writing her notes and organize them. Garcia believes that writing down information is more reliable than typing it all out.

Meeting with study groups is also a great way to learn material for school. (Photo Courtesy of: Ava Garcia)

“I always make sure that whatever I write down I’m understanding, and if I don’t understand I’ll take my time after class to research it and further my knowledge.  I try to ask questions whenever I’m confused so I understand everything by the time classes are over. I think the most important thing is to get into a schedule of waking up on time and getting ready as if you were going to school.”

Garcia’s morning routine consists of waking up at 6:45 A.M., eating a healthy breakfast, doing her skincare routine, and getting into her daily clothes. Garcia has realized that when she gets up early and ready for school she is more attentive during class and grasps concepts easier and quicker. Garcia recommends to her fellow peers to have a set schedule for the day. Her system doesn’t end on the weekend when schools over, in fact, she uses it to her advantage.

 “On the weekend I get together with a small limited group of friends who have the same classes as I do,  and we study the material together and help each other on concepts we do not understand. When we do this we all seem to learn more way faster than we normally do. It’s nice to know that there are other kids who have similar trials and experiences with online classes. It really helps us encourage each other.”

Garcia is tackling what seems difficult to so many of her peers. Several students have shared that school feels more optional than required during this time, but staying motivated is the key. Garcia hopes that she can encourage her friends and fellow classmates to do the best that they can even in a foggy time period.

“The best I can do is keep going,” Garcia shared.