Sometimes, changing up a routine can be difficult, even if it’s something small. However, if those changes are never made, there might be something missing, but it’s hard to see what. Trying new things such as joining clubs and sports could help get those out of their comfort zone or possibly even just help broaden a person’s extracurriculars.
Shadow Ridge High School offers a variety of extracurriculars to start with.
Best Buddies is a club that is always welcoming new people. The club is about spreading awareness for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities and about making new friendships. They have fundraisers such as selling root beer floats (soda floats), donuts, and a bunch of fun activities during school hours. Meetings are held on Wednesdays in room 210 after school.

“Best Buddies gives people with special needs a chance to speak up, be heard, and advocate for themselves and others within their community,” Maria Shriver, a journalist, and Best Buddies global ambassador stated.
Fashion Club is the new trend. Fashion Club was created by a student who loves all things fashion to bring people of all styles together. This club hosts fun activities that normally involve fashion after school on Fridays. Whether it be learning how to do some embroidery, crochet, some fun drawing games, etc. there’s an activity that everyone can enjoy. These fashion meetings are held on Fridays in room 832 after school.
A new club also just popped up on the Shadow Ridge extracurricular page. The Creative Writing Club. This club allows students to come together to create their stories with the help of others and to make new friends along the way. Meetings will be held on Thursdays in room 216.
If a student is interested in volunteering and making the world a better place, Key Club might be the route. Key Club volunteers all around the city, helping raise money and more for the community around them.

“Key Club is a student-led organization meant to promote helping the community and making connections! Simply being in the club helps build many important skills useful for life and relationships! Joining brings lots of self-improvement, especially in the long term, and it’s lots of fun!” Allan Dyson, a Key Club Officer stated.
Those are only a few of the clubs taking part in the Shadow community, but there are also many clubs to represent heritage: Asian Culture Club, Asian Pacific Island Club, Black Student Union (BSU), and LatinX Student Union (LSU) are all clubs here at Shadow. Some other clubs are Bible Club, Book Club, DND (Dungeons and Dragons), and Game Club.
There are so many more and all of them can be found on the Shadow Ridge homepage under activities. However, if students are interested in a more sporty outlook, there are also a ton of activities for that too. There’s so much to do to boost those college applications and to honestly just have fun. While in high school, students should make every moment count and make all the fun memories possible. Hopefully, some of these clubs and other extracurriculars will help make those memories more remarkable.