Welcoming Mrs. Teri Lintz to the admin line up! Lintz has had a long and prosperous career and Shadow Ridge is incredibly lucky to have her as an asset around campus. Lintz began her career 18 years ago in The Aloha State.

“I started working as a teacher in 2006 in Hawaii. I moved to Las Vegas in 2007 and have been with CCSD ever since,” says, Lintz.
Along with her many years of hard work and experience, she has held a plethora of positions making her nothing shy of experienced to help kids at Shadow everyday.
“I was a special education resource teacher from 2007 until 2014. In October of 2014 I became a special education instructional facilitator. In November 2019 I was promoted to an assistant principal. I have worked at Cheyenne High School, Swainston MS/Antonello ES, Centennial HS, and back at Shadow Ridge for the 2nd time! It was like coming home,” Lintz adds.
Here at The Ridge, Lintz will be specialized in all things special education making her ready and prepared to assist with their every need.
“I am over the Special Education Department including all of the teachers, special program teaching assistants, instructional assistants, and any behavior that deals with our students with special education services,” Lintz shares.
While Lintz is beginning 2024 off at Shadow Ridge, she is not a first time Mustang.
Lintz says, “Considering I am coming back to Shadow, my favorite part is getting to work with all of the amazing teachers I worked with before. Shadow is full of really great students and staff and I am so happy to be part of the family! Plus, my daughter attends here…it is great to see her everyday!”
Once a Mustang always a Mustang, Shadow Ridge has an it factor that Lintz just couldn’t get enough of.
Lintz shares, “I love Shadow’s spirit! The students are involved in a variety of clubs, activities, and sports. It is awesome to see so much engagement from the students!”
While her skills in school are fascinating, she also has passions outside of school like her family.

“I have two very active 6 year old twins. My time outside of school is taking care of them. I also enjoy going to the gym and getting some me time,” Lintz says. “I have a total of 4 kiddos. My oldest, Ricky, is 24 (also graduated from Shadow), next is Jordynn, she is about to be 16! My twins are 6 and their names are Elias and Addyson.”
Not only does Lintz have an amazing family behind her, but she also enjoys spending time outdoors.
Lintz says, “I really enjoy the beach. I have lived in Hawaii and seen a lot of beautiful beaches in my life, however, my favorite place on earth is Lake Tahoe!”
Welcome back to Shadow Ridge Mrs. Lintz.