The new Winter Guard program is full of an enthusiastic team of performers and dedicated coaches. Winter Guard, similar to Color Guard, performs and competes with fun and vibrant routines. Winter Guard recently had two competitions, and they placed 6th and 1st. Winter Guard is a welcoming community, ready to help students improve their performance skills.

Senior, Kelsie Shepherd stated, “An important aspect of Winter Guard is the performance of it. Winter Guard allows everyone to experience performing in a group in front of an audience. Even if you don’t think you are a good performer at first, Winter Guard can help you spread your wings and grow. It is designed to align with our abilities. As we continue through the season, we can add more complicated choreography to expand our skills.”
Shepherd highlights how important performing in Winter Guard is to the team. Winter Guard provides a supportive environment where students can work hard to better their skills. It is a chance to showcase skills, grow as a performer, and discover hidden talents. The routines are designed with student’s abilities in mind, allowing them to start with the basics and gradually add more complex choreography as the season progresses.
Junior, Kaliegh Omori stated, “I enjoy the process of Winter Guard. Learning new ways to spin my equipment is always a fun experience. I also like how much faster everything is in comparison to marching season. Unlike fall season, the team is much closer, and we have a show that is one hundred percent our own. I also highly enjoy the time spent at rehearsals.”
Winter Guard has a different pace compared to marching season. Instead of performing on the field with the band, the team performs and competes by themselves, with more upbeat and lively routines. Everything feels faster and more energetic, which adds to the excitement of the performance. The bond with the team becomes stronger during the Winter Guard season, the team works together closely to create a routine that is unique and fun.
“Some things I enjoy about Winter Guard are hanging out with a bunch of my friends and learning new skills. My favorite part or Winter Guard is definitely competing because it pays off for the amount of practicing we do. Something that is important to me is my teammates in Winter Guard. They are all so welcoming and willing to help when you need it,” stated Omori.