On February 8, 2024 to February 10, 2024, the spring musical was performed by a talented cast of 34. Directed by Katina Hartley, another great show was produced by the Shadow Ridge theatre department. This year’s musical was Beauty and the Beast. The main role of Beast was played by Adam Conboy, while the lead role of Belle was played by Riley Higgins.
This production was a success among students at Shadow Ridge. They sold 245 tickets on opening night Thursday February 8, 2024 and had a sold out show on Friday February 9, 2024. Students have had wonderful reviews about this show throughout its entire duration.
Katina Hartley, director and technical director, stated that, “Beauty and the Beast has its unique challenges. One of the main challenges has been costumes. We have 122 costumes that we have had to make look like they are from a certain time and even make some of them look enchanted. Another one of the struggles we have faced is having to switch an actor midway through the show. This challenge was taken on by Nathan Dombrowski. He has been able to learn his lines and step up to the role in a short amount of time.”

Photo Courtesy of: Mrs. Mason
While the musical has been a hit, it hasn’t gone on without its fair share of troubles. Multiple actors and tech crew members have been able to step up and help overcome these challenges in the best way possible.
Dombrowski, the actor playing Maurice, pit member, and junior, stated that, “Being my first time as an actor, it was a change to try something new. At first it was hard to act, not knowing what I was supposed to be doing, but then there were a ton of wonderful people who helped out. The amazing community is why I am able to stand on that stage proudly.”
The Shadow Ridge Theatre has become an amazing community who has helped each other through all of their struggles. They have been able to adapt and change based on their needs and have produced a show that has them standing on stage proudly for all the school to see.

Photo Courtesy of: Mrs. Mason
Hannah Williams, Sound Board Operator and junior, stated, “The musical has been going really well, it’s one of the best shows we’ve produced so far since my freshman year. The cast and crew has been working really hard to produce the best show they could and I think that work has really shown off. It definitely had some up and downs with some unexpected obstacles, but everyone worked really hard to overcome it and improve throughout our rehearsals and you can really see the outcome of that work.”
This show has turned out to be one of their best. They have been able to go above and beyond for their production while competing in the Jimmy Awards Regional Competition. They have been able to produce an amazing show for only $5,000 while also competing against other schools with higher budgets. Through their hard work they have proven how great they are and have been able to show the whole school this as well.
Hartley states, “It’s going really well, opening night went really well.”
Throughout many challenges the Shadow Ridge theatre has been able to overcome multiple obstacles along the way and still continue to have a very successful show.