Sophomore, Jane Campbell is one of Shadow’s outstanding thespians. Campbell is a part of the plays at Shadow. She was in Roxi’s Heart, the play that they did in the fall this year. She played Lindsey who was a stagehand who helped for the play that Rachel was making, she was Alyssa’s best friend, also she is a supporting character not main. Since Roxi’s Heart is over and there is a new musical going on right now Campbell is now deputy stage manager for the upcoming musical Beauty and the Beast. Campbell loves being in and helping with the plays.
Campbell states, “So far it is going really well, the cast is amazing and my other stage managers are so good to be working with. I can’t wait to be more involved in more things here at Shadow! Theater allows me to express my emotions on the stage.”

The experience so far has been nothing short of amazing so far for her, and as she is very eager to anticipate the opportunity to be involved in even more projects. Theater is a great place to show an actor’s skills and show deepest emotions.
Campbell also states, “In theater we can all come together and share a bond of loving the atmosphere of acting with each other, working hard, and becoming more of our true selves every day.”
Campbell has always wanted to audition for plays. She enjoys them very much, it gives her a chance to express herself. It’s also a great way to make more friends and a fun thing to do after school.
Jordan Henry, one of Campbell’s classmates states, “I think that Jane is very hard working and fun to be around. Her creative spirit shines through when she is on the stage. She is also very kind and friendly, whenever I need help on something she is always more than happy to help.
Campbell has a very big passion for theater, she has found a sense of belonging, growth and has had so much fun in being a part of the plays.
Saiyah Duke, another one of her classmates states, “I worked with Jane on Roxi’s Heart and she was always so helpful and kind. She was always willing to help you with anything. She is also very funny, she is a lot of fun to be around.”
Campbell has learned to challenge herself through playing different parts of the plays, her imagination helps her fully embody any character she plays. She loves all the bonds she has formed with her theater friends. The love she has for theater extends beyond the stage, theater is something she knows she is going to stick with.