Senior Hunter Kizerian is an archery star that calls Shadow Ridge High School home. Kizerian has pursued archery for a long time and finally found success winning a state championship this year.
“You win the state championship here in Nevada by competing in 5 different official shoots throughout the year, and the state champ is determined based on the amount of points you earned over all of the shoots. I may not have come in first every shoot but overall I earned more points,”says Kizerian.

Kizerian’s recent success was not an easy task for him, taking years of hard work and dedication to earn the state title.
Kizerian says, “It takes lots of practice, patience, open mindedness, and determination. I will go 4-7 days a week to try and get better. I will spend hours just working on my form and perfecting my mental game.”
Kizerian’s drive started from a young age when he was handed a bow and arrow for the first time.
“I started archery when I was 11 years old. My dad had given me a bow and told me to “just go shoot it” and so I did and instantly fell in love with archery,” Kizerian says.
After Kizerian won his archery state title, he remained humble and got right back to work on perfecting his amazing craft.
“After winning the state championship nothing really changed nor did I have a big celebration, I went back to continuing to practice and improving my shooting because even after winning all I could think about were the flaws with my shooting,” says Kizerian.
Kizerian does have to go up north to exercise his skills in competitions competing for a Reno team.
“I don’t do archery with the school’s club because they do a different style than I shoot. I mainly shoot like “club” archery,” Kizerian says. “The team I shoot with is called Blind Pig Archery out of Reno, NV.”
With his many years of experience he has lots of knowledge to pass on to future archers on how to achieve success.
“After winning the state championship nothing really changed nor did I have a big celebration, I went back to continuing to practice and improving my shooting because even after winning all I could think about were the flaws with my shooting,” says Kizerian.
Congratulations to Hunter for bringing home a state title.