Acing the APs

Mrs. Mason’s AP English Language Class. (Courtesy of: Mrs. Mason)

Talor Gitman, Journalist

With the AP Exams hosted by College Board coming up, students and teachers are busy prepping for these impactful tests. Only a few weeks away, students are scrambling for new ways to review, and better-understand topics from the courses.

According to AP World History teacher, Mr. Pack, “Adequate preparation for the AP exam is dependent upon the actions of each individual student. I learned long ago that students retain information from lectures for only a brief amount of time. Therefore, success on the AP exam comes down to how much a student has engaged with the material on their own individual level. For example, if a student took helpful notes on a topic in August it can greatly help them review in May by refreshing their memory.”

Being that there’s lots to refer back to in these remaining weeks before the exam, relaxation will still always be just as important. It’s important for students to not overwork or tire themselves out in the days leading up to the test.

AP English Language teacher, Mrs. Mason, expresses, “My advice is to always get a good night’s sleep the evening before the exam, and have a good breakfast. I think students should study or cram what they can up until a few days before the exam, and then set it aside, and just relax. As the final days or hours approach, there is not much more a student can do, so there is no reason to stress out and stay up late studying and walk into the exam tired and frazzled. You will do much better if you are well rested and fed,” Mrs. Mason adds. “In the future, if students want to come in more prepared and confident, they should keep track of all they have learned throughout the year and not cram at the end. The end of the year should be dedicated to review – not learning the material.”

Hard at work in the classroom! (Courtesy of: Talor Gitman)

All kept notes and assignments ranging from throughout the year can come together as review, used to help better understand, and remember material, learned more towards the beginning of the year.

Kayla Hardman, sophomore, explains, “I have notes that I can go back to, especially from the beginning of the year, and we’re already doing a lot of practice in class; but I can also go onto college board, the AP website, and find practice test questions.”

Knowing the large impact that these exams have, can cause students to feel nerves and stress beforehand. With this in mind, as long as students focus on everything learned throughout the year in class, there shouldn’t be much to worry about; as each AP course is targeted in preparation for the exam.

Hardman says, “I’m definitely nervous, but I know that the curriculum in my AP classes are designed to help me know what will be on the test, and help me to be prepared. So, I know that whatever the score is, I got a lot from the class, and it will only represent the best I can do.”