Bennett’s Balance

Photo Courtesy of: Mr. Bennett
Mr. Bennett is the Chess Club advisor and hopes to see them flourish during their season
December 12, 2022
The Mustang staff is filled with so many amazing teachers. Teaching the newer generations and being there to help them grow are all a part of their jobs. Kevin Bennett, a social studies teacher specializing in Government and Economics, has been teaching at the Ridge for almost ten years– this year being his tenth. He is also the advisor for the SRHS Chess Club.
“I continue teaching because I love Shadow Ridge and our students,” Bennett tells. “I try my best to be a positive influence for all of my students.”
Bennett is from a small town called Laceyville in Pennsylvania. The population of this town isn’t any larger than 400. He has been living in Vegas for almost ten years now. Although being a teacher can take a lot of time away, Bennett still has time to enjoy his many hobbies. Watching football, NASCAR, baseball, and hockey are among his interests. Travelling is also something that he loves to do. He has been to almost every state and many national parks.

Having been a teacher for so long, Bennett hopes to bring topics that are relevant to the lives of his students. This is the key reason for why he teaches Government in the first place. His interest in politics already contributes to his motivation for teaching as well. Aside from these, though, his biggest inspiration is his past teachers.
“I had a lot of really great teachers when I was in school,” he says. “My 5th-grade teacher Mrs. Conrad and my Stats and Calculus teacher Mr. Tavani were two of my favorites. These great teachers were a pretty big reason why I wanted to get into teaching in the first place.”
Of course, being a teacher is not the easiest job. Keeping students focused, coming up with lesson plans, and personalizing one’s teaching style can be a hassle. Bennett faces a challenge when teaching as well.
“My biggest challenge is finding ways to motivate students,” Bennett explains. “The best way I try to motivate students is by attempting to make learning as fun and as relevant as possible. Sometimes this can prove difficult, but I try my best.”
Bennett’s teaching style and never-ending support for his students are truly admirable. His dedication to promoting positivity in the classroom and the ability to balance his hobbies as well is what makes his spot in the Mustang staff so remarkable.