Get College and Career Ready at The Corner!

Photo Courtesy of Karissa Guthrie

The newly renovated corner

Violet Flanagan, Co-Editor in Chief

Shadow Ridge’s brand new College and Career Center, otherwise known as the Corner, is renovated and ready for action! The counselors worked to design the room to be a safe space for students to straighten out their path before graduation and explore their options after high school.

“The purpose is to provide a place for students to access information related to life after high school.  Oftentimes the thought of life after high school can be daunting.  We are hoping to bridge that gap by providing resources to help in that transition.  We plan to do this with college rep visits, workshops for financial aid/scholarships, military rep visits, and trade schools,” says Colleen Neely, counselor.

The renovations took place over the summer, and according to Karissa Guthrie, counselor, it was quite a process.

“We wanted to create a space that students wanted to visit, that representatives wouldn’t mind coming and hosting office hours at.  We didn’t want it to feel “industrial” ; we wanted the space to be comfortable and inviting for all to use.  It was the work and idea of the counseling and administrative team at Shadow Ridge HS,” says Guthrie.

It was fast!” says Neely. “Mrs. Guthrie was the “forewoman” and oversaw all the work.  We had lots of help from current students who helped paint and do the floors.  Mr. Nelson (former English teacher at Shadow) also did a huge chunk of the paint touch up and floors.  We had a former Shadow graduate, Italia Deutscher, help us design it.  She designed a digital draft and helped link to where we could purchase the items. Ms. Cazares, the counselor, did the countertops and faux brick.  It truly was a collaborative effort and we are so happy with how it turned out!!”

The staff who helped out with the Corner have high hopes for it this school year.

I really hope it becomes a school community room,” says Guthrie. “I want to see it full with students and parents and representatives every day!  I want students to really start utilizing it, knowing where it is and understanding the process of signing up for events.  I want students to be a part of the  process and reach out to us whenever they think of something or someone that they want to come visit with our students.”

Anybody who is interested in the Corner can make an appointment through an online calendar on the counselor corner, as explained below.

“The easiest way for students to see who is signed up is to go to the counselor corner, the link is here,” says Guthrie.  “If students scroll down, they will see the calendar at the bottom, they can click on any event and will see the sign up form.  Students will sign up and then the day of the event, they must fill out their own E hall pass to be approved to leave class.”

Workspace in the corner (Photo Courtesy of Karissa Guthrie)

Lastly, Mrs. Guthrie says that final touches to the room and its inner workings are still happening, and counselors are open to student suggestions.

“We are open to ideas, so if students have something they want to see in this room, please tell a counselor!”