Unwinding After AP Exams

Letting one's self calm down and recover is a vital part of AP classes

Photo Courtesy of: Google Images

Letting one’s self calm down and recover is a vital part of AP classes

Mikayla Maluyo, Journalist

Being in an AP class is a stressful experience. From catching up on deadlines and trying to study for each assessment given or even practicing testing strategies for the AP exam at the end of the course, AP students are definitely in for a ride.

From May 2nd to May 13th this year is AP exam season. During these two weeks, students are taking AP exams and reviewing vigorously. Everything learned throughout the year all comes down to those two weeks in May. 

The AP testing environment can be overwhelming and stressful (Photo Courtesy of: Google Images)

The pressure of taking an AP class is not for the weak of heart. The study material seems endless and the number of sleepless nights trying to finish up assignments can be a handful. Balancing the many aspects of life is difficult as it is, but adding these classes to a schedule makes things even more interesting. What is most important throughout this, though, is being able to sit back and unwind after taking AP exams. The stress of it all is taken away and the exam is over with. 

“Relax,” Mrs. Dover, the AP U.S. History teacher says. “You’ve already done all of the hard work. Put it away for a little while and do not stress yourself out. Give yourself some time to reflect but overall just give yourself time to calm down.”

Even as some do not truly understand the struggle of AP courses, keeping a positive attitude toward it all is what matters most during this season. 

“[One thing I want students to take away from AP classes is that] you can do it,” Mrs. Dover explains. “You can do anything you put your mind to and it’s worth giving the effort to see how far you can go.”

AP courses train a student to reach for their goals and keep a motivated attitude in all that they do (Photo Courtesy of: Google Images)

Going into the exams as a whole was already a challenge. Keeping up with both mentally preparing one’s self and trying to understand the content at the same time is a hassle. Everything learned throughout the year lies on those exams and although they may be over, recovering can still prove challenging. 

Violet Flanagan, a student in two AP classes, finished her exams with a light heart. They went better than she expected and she knows that taking AP classes was definitely worth it.

“I enjoyed my AP classes,” she tells. “I genuinely learned a lot instead of just memorizing and I also met a lot of cool people.”

All in all, unwinding and recovering from any exam can be a long journey. Trying to push away the stress of it all and truly relaxing is what is highly recommended by every AP teacher on campus. The hard work is over.