Key Club: Constant Connection
Photo Courtesy of: Shadow Ridge Key Club
Being awarded Club of the Month doesn’t highlight the true work Key Club does behind the scenes.
May 9, 2022
The Shadow Ridge Key Club has achieved many things during this year. From growing with its members and the number of service projects that they have participated in, they don’t seem to slow down anytime soon.
Their last meeting was on April 28th, 2022 and it was filled with a big thanks to the advisors as well as the previous board. Key Club in the past was definitely not the same as it was this year. Last school year, there were only about 11 members. Now, the club has a whopping 180+ members on the roster.
JD Coching, a junior in Key Club, has seen the club progress throughout this year and his first year of Key Club has definitely been an experience.
“People have told me that the last couple of years didn’t have very many members,” he says. “Now I feel like we have grown a lot and we exhibit an enormous amount of energy.”
Coching will be serving as the Vice President of Recruitment next year and he is very excited about the position. The club in itself gives off a comfortable atmosphere, especially with their wonderful advisors: Mr. Malcolm and Mr. Barton.
At the last District Council Meeting (DCM), the Shadow Ridge Key Club was awarded Club of the Month. Along with this, Mr. Malcolm, an advisor of the club, was named Advisor of the Year. The involvement of the advisors definitely gave way for each title earned by the Ridge’s phenomenal Key Club.
Volunteering at multiple events like the Island eNVy event that highlights healthy lifestyles is only one of the many that Key Club took part in. Making dog toys, writing letters to the elderly, and even cleaning up at a local park are some of the numerous projects that the Ridge’s Key Club took on. To top it all off, though, Key Club raised about $400 with their change drive for children’s hospitals. These are all incredible achievements of Key Club and their streak does not stop here.

Harold Roberts, an avid member and officer of Key Club, is ready to walk into his third year of being in the club next year. He has been in Key Club since his sophomore year and is eager to continue serving his community throughout his time in Key Club.
“[What’s really changed within Key Club] is the authority that takes place,” Roberts explains. “Mr. Malcolm and Mr. Barton came and were ready to do bigger things with our club– and that’s exactly what they did.”
Both advisors truly connect with each member of the club and create an amazing atmosphere for every new member that walks through the doors of the meeting room. They both stay true to the values of Key Club. Serving the community, welcoming all people, and keeping a positive attitude is what Key Club is all about. Having advisors that display those qualities is what truly separates Key Club from other clubs.
“The atmosphere in our club keeps you coming back for more,” Roberts tells. “Everyone is open, accepting, and caring.”