Are You Smarter Than a High Schooler: Welcome to the Jungle Edition
Gavin Bott is an experienced trivia veteran.
March 23, 2022
Welcome to “Are you Smarter than a High Schooler?” The top newspaper trivia game in the nation! Here’s how the game is played, there are three student contestants and three teacher/admin contestants. The students and teachers will be asked five trivia questions, and be scored based on their answers. A correct score equals 2 points, somewhat correct equals 1 point, and incorrect equals no points. Each Lariat edition is a round, and at the end of the year, the points will be tallied up from each round and we will decide if the teachers really are smarter than the students! Teachers won last time, let’s see who wins this time!
It looks like the teachers won this round! The current score for the year is 2-2-1 with the lead still up for grabs! Thanks for playing “Are You Smarter Than a High Schooler.” Stay tuned for the next edition for even more trivia!