Senior, Hailey Morrow

Katy Daley, News Editor

Senior Hailey Morrow says “The most exciting thing for me since I’ve entered high school has been, when I was really scared about how some of my classmates had beards and facial hair. It was very scary, but it made me excited to go through the 4 years at Shadow Ridge, and one day become one of those “older” kids on campus. I really idolized the older kids and strived to be like them. My biggest challenge was balancing school, sports, and my social life. I’ve been very busy the past 3 years at Shadow, and play 2 sports during most of the school year. Running from one thing to the next, I’ve learned how to manage my time better and not be scared to ask for help. There will always be people to help you along the way. My best memory in my last year of high school has been when I hit the walk off hit to win the State Championship for the softball team here at Shadow Ridge! The welcoming environment filled with super cool people has been my favorite part of high school. After high school I’m attending BYU on a full-ride scholarship to continue my softball and academic career. I hope to major in Biology, and hopefully become a Physician’s Assistant in the medical field.”