Shadow Ridge Return to School – Schedule Released
Students Continuing School in Three Groups, Two Who Will Attend Classes In Person Two Days a Week
Photo Courtesy of: Google Images
Socially Distanced Classroom
March 5, 2021
This past week the schedule for in in-person classes was released. Due to the first waves of the COVID vaccines being available to teachers, students are now able to go back to school. Starting March 22 for seniors and freshmen, and April 6 for sophomores and juniors, students have the option of attending school two days a week as a part of the hybrid model.

There will be three cohorts of students: Cohort A will be attending school on Mondays and Tuesdays, Cohort B will be attending on Thursdays and Fridays, and Cohort C will not be attending in-person classes. School will begin at 7 a.m. and will end at 1:25 p.m. The first two classes of the day will be in-person and the last two classes will be online. Classes in the morning will be 1hr and 45min with a 10 minute passing period in between. Students will then get a Grab-and-Go lunch at 10:50 a.m. and will then return home to take two more classes online starting at 12:10. Classes online will be 35 minutes each with a five minute passing period in between. Each week will also alternate, so if a student is in Cohort A and they have periods 1 and 3 in-person one week, then the next week they will have periods 5 and 7.
Senior Lexi Strickland said, “I think it might be interesting for people whose parents are busy. I think that many kids may have to change the way that they go to and from school.”
Strickland also said, “I’m not a fan of how much earlier that I’m going to have to wake up. It’s going to mess up my sleep schedule, where some days I’ll be waking up at 5:30 and other days at 7. I also think that it is weird how the schedule has the longer classes early and short classes later, because I think that it can get students’ priorities messed up especially if a student has two in class electives and then they go home and have a 30 min short class.”

Wednesday will be a cleaning day for the school, which is why there are no in-person classes that day. Students will instead attend all of their classes online.
It is the student’s prerogative if they wish to return to school or not. Students can volunteer to be in Cohort A or B if they want to go back to school, or if they do not feel that it is safe to return, they can choose Cohort C. Cohort C will also have the same schedules that the students returning to school have, but they will only attend class online.
“I think that for the people going back it is going to benefit students that they can see their teachers again and have longer classes, it will also help with more difficult classes, being able to get extra help,” said Strickland
Parents and students can get a copy of the weekly rotation schedule here.
The bell schedule is available here.
Shipp • Mar 14, 2021 at 9:21 pm
Great article. Thanks for covering this!