Computer Club Excitement

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Computer Club
January 31, 2021
Mr. Mann teaches CTE classes for all grades, specifically in computer science and cybersecurity. He is the only advisor for the Computer Club at Shadow Ridge High School. The club started about 5 years ago when he first started teaching computer science courses. The club meets Thursdays at 2 p.m.
Computers can be a shared love between people with the same interests.
Mann stated, “I started the Computer Club because I wanted to give students who were not in my classes an opportunity to find out more about computers and computer careers. I also wanted to have a place where computer ‘geeks’ could meet others of their kind and socialize without judgment.”
By allowing students to learn more about computers, they were also gaining friendships within this club because many people had the same interests.
Computer clubs can be a great place for students to share their passion for technology and learn new things.
“Computer clubs can be an informal way for students to share their passion for technology. They should be a terrific forum to engage new students who are intimidated by computer science classes or simply uninformed about all the things you can do with a computer,” according to
Computer clubs can help uninformed and scared students become more knowledgeable about computers. The computer club is not only technology-based, but it is also a great place for people to socialize with each other and make new friends.
Mann said, “The conversations! The club runs on Thursdays after school for about an hour, but there have been plenty of times that students have gotten me talking about ‘hacking’ or robots and we have stayed there for two or more hours after school.”
Mann explains how his all-time favorite part about the club and being the advisor is the conversations they have, it is always fun and exciting.
All things technology, excluding computer games, are all discussed and participated in within this club.
Mann explains, “The Computer Club is primarily a social club; a place to learn more about technology. Students talk about everything to do with computers. They use computers, robots, and technology in my room to explore new areas of interest. It isn’t uncommon to have people discussing how to build a computer, talking about cyber competitions, or playing with robots during a meeting. About the only thing the Computer Club is not for is Computer Gaming as there is another club specifically for that at Shadow Ridge.”

The Computer Club is a very social place with a lot of different and fun conversations. The computer club is a safe and fun place for students to go and share their passion for all things technology. Making new friends and having fun new conversations with people who share the same interests is always exciting. Robots, building computers, and other technology are all items used in Mr. Mann’s classroom to explore and learn new things.