In a Trivial Pursuit for the Playoffs
Photo Courtesy Of: Courtnery Slattery
Slattery takes a selfie of herself and the Varsity Quiz team at last year’s quarterfinal match.
January 24, 2021
Although not all clubs have managed to carry on through COVID, certain groups have enough strength and camaraderie to continue their efforts to create a fun environment to enjoy an activity. One of these particular clubs is Shadow Ridge High School’s Varsity Quiz Team. Varsity Quiz is a team trivia game where the participants answer a wide variety of questions to earn points for their team. Not only have they continued practicing, the team has also been competing. Obviously, things have been different this year, but Varsity Quiz has still made it through a full season. Although they’ve finished their season, the team isn’t quite done yet, as they still have the playoffs.
The advisor of the Varsity Quiz team, Mrs. Killgo is very excited and looking forward to this playoff run with high hopes of success. The quarterfinal match against A-Tech is on February 11th and there will also be an All-Star match for the seniors afterward at the end of the month.
Killgo explained that, “Practices worked out really well with Google Meets. We meet on Wednesdays for about an hour and just go through a bunch of trivia and current event questions. The matches are the same with both teams able to buzz in using an online based system.”
Although it’s a little different, the participants still do everything they can to keep the matches fun and fair.

One of the members of the team, Courtney Slattery, senior, shared that, “Some rules were changed to accommodate the lag. For example, the amount of time you were given to buzz in was extended by 3 more seconds. To prevent cheating, students participating in the round were encouraged to have their microphones on.”
This season, the team was pretty successful, finishing with second place in the division, Silver Tuesday, with a 3-2 record. Amongst their success, they also really get to enjoy themselves and create a fun and friendly environment for everybody to share.
“I enjoy the jokes and laughter that come with the group of people. When we don’t know the answer, we sometimes just guess random things. It is also a fun place to learn new things,” Slattery elaborated.
Even though there are no requirements for members of Varsity Quiz in terms of how good at trivia they are, Killgo has been very impressed with the skills of the team.
“These students really love to learn and test their skills of trivia and current events. There are also some really difficult math questions and I am amazed when they buzz in with the right answers,” she shared.