CCSD Cancels All Winter Sports

December 13, 2020
January 2nd was the scheduled date for basketball, bowling, flag football, and wrestling’s first practices to be held. Well, that’s not happening (thanks coronavirus). All winter sports have been cancelled by the Clark County School District. This adds on to the list that the class of ’21 is missing out on, with returning to school next semester up in the air as well. Fall or spring sports have no announcement on whether they will be held or not, with the first practice for fall sports to be held on February 20th. Students across the county are saddened with the news as many seniors are trying to use this last year to not only get recruited for college but to also enjoy the final year of their high school career.
Nikkole Turner, Athletic Director and bowling coach at Shadow Ridge, expressed her feelings towards students missing out on a winter season, “I personally feel disappointed that the students are missing out on a winter season; however I understand the importance of containing this virus. I know 2 individuals who have passed away due to complications with COVID since this pandemic started. I especially feel bad for any senior winter sports athlete who is going to miss out on their final high school season. My son happens to be one of these individuals. It’s a terrible situation that we are in, but we have to continue to push through. There is still hope for fall and spring sports. I would encourage the winter athletes to consider playing another sport this school year.”
Students are missing out on more than just playing in the game, being on a team is an experience like no other, and Mrs Turner went on to explain that, “students who are unable to play their high school sport miss the camaraderie that comes with being on a sports team. They will miss out on the game day meals, the study halls, the community service projects, game days, practices, and the relationships that are built when you participate on a team.”
Being recruited to play in college is a big deal to high school athletes, and they are missing out on the exciting recruitment process. Students will now have to reach out to coaches instead of coaches coming out to watch them play, and Mrs. Turner has some tips on how athletes can better their chances of getting recruited.
“I would encourage students to create a highlight video showcasing their best plays and games over the past couple of years and send that out to coaches. Students and parents have to be active in the recruiting process during this pandemic.”
Although students may feel bummed out, they need to understand that this is not the end of the world for them. This would just be another obstacle in the road and they have every chance to push on by it. Even though sports are valued highly, they are not what determines who people are as human beings.