At Shadow Ridge, Student Council works hard to make school a place where everyone feels welcome and has a good time. Their goal is to help students feel connected and excited to be at school. They do this by planning fun events and organizing projects that bring people together and make school life better for everyone.
“I just hope that everyone else appreciates all the work that Student Council puts in as much as I do! A lot of what our council accomplishes is often done behind the scenes and there’s a tremendous amount of prep work that goes into assemblies and dances and all of that,” Student Council advisor, Rebecca Coyle stated. “We do make a ton of posters, but it’s also about making sure that our staff and students feel valued on our campus! We spend countless hours at school together, and I really feel like I have the best group of kids ever!”
Coyle emphasizes the dedication and effort that Student Council members put into their work, often without recognition. She highlights the behind the scenes planning involved in school events and the commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive environment for both students and staff.
Beyond organizing school events, Student Council is also committed to making a meaningful impact outside the campus. Their efforts extend to fostering community involvement, ensuring that students across various clubs and sports teams have opportunities to give back.
She states, “One long-term goal that we had was to try and make sure that Student Council and the rest of our sports and clubs had opportunities to participate in community service throughout the year. We had a fantastic trip to Opportunity Village in November to help them set everything up for their Magical Forest Experience, and we are looking to set up a school community garden one day this quarter with the Outdoors and Unplugged Club.”

Student Council isn’t just about organizing events and community service, it’s also about creating a welcoming space for all students to contribute in their own way.
“I also think people believe that in order to be in Student Council, you have to be really outgoing and good at making posters. But honestly, we need people who are quiet and have other skill sets to balance some of our loud personalities out! There’s a place for every student and every personality with me.”
She highlights the inclusive nature of Student Council, explaining that leadership comes in many forms. With a dedicated team working behind the scenes, Student Council continues to make a lasting impact on Shadow Ridge.