When choosing electives, there are many choices to pick from, ranging from tech classes, physical classes, to art classes. Drawing, painting, ceramics, and music classes all fall under the art category in their own ways. There are several different music classes for students to thrive in, like Choir, Band, Marching Band, Guitar and Orchestra. Orchestra ensemble unusually includes violin, viola, cello, and bass.
Sophomore, Janessa Williams states, “Orchestra is something that I enjoy because you can always improve and learn new things.¨

The teacher, Edward Richards, is a fun and outgoing teacher who loves to see his students succeed and grow as a whole class, and as individuals.
Orchestra offers several opportunities for students to grow and succeed in high school. Students have the opportunity to try out for All State Orchestra and Honors Orchestra.
All State is a high school level orchestra ensemble that includes violin, viola, cello, bass, harp, and piano, as well as winds and percussions. There were auditions for All State earlier this year, the students who were chosen were Senior, KellyJo Poulsen and Junior, Aspen Stevens.
Honors Orchestra is a thrilling experience for high school orchestra musicians. Students get to rehearse and perform with renowned conductors and perform for an audience of outstanding school musicians and educators from across the United States.

Orchestra at Shadow Ridge consists of 4 separate levels; Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced and Chamber. Advanced and Chamber usually have more performing events than beginning and intermediate. In recent years, beginning and intermediate have been combined in a class together.
Williams states, ¨I love the community and working with others to become better. Over all, that’s something that makes orchestra more easy and fun.¨
The only complaint about orchestra is how small the room is for how big the classes usually are. Students are required to pay a $40 fee and an additional fee if they are renting an instrument, they can also stay after school to practice. Students are needed to practice every day.
This year, Advanced Orchestra will be participating in a pre-festival and a festival, along with having a spring concert with the rest of the orchestra classes.
There are many fun things that can occur in orchestra, but there is also a lot of hard work that students must be willing to commit to. The only hard work that is needed is a lot of practicing and dedication. Overall, orchestra is a good, hands-on class that causes students to experience the beauty of music and learn who they are as people along the way.