The University of Nevada, Las Vegas has invited Shadow Ridge to their 26th Annual Economic Summit and Student Leadership Conference. It is being held on December 7th from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
This year’s flier for the anniversary has been put out early this year to gain attention and awareness to the program. It was posted on the Ridge Review, which gets posted and emailed to each student at the Ridge by Mrs. Guthrie, Shadow Ridge’s Assistant Principal.

The program influences students to gain leadership skills in multiple departments. The organization branches out to College Admissions and Financial Aid, Entrepreneurship, and Mental Health and Wellness. It also includes Trades of the Future, Undergrad Experiences and College and Career Readiness.
“You are invited to participate in activities designed to prepare students for post-secondary success in college and their chosen careers. Morning workshops and afternoon activities will be presented by industry professionals, educators, college admissions specialists and experts in financial literacy,” states the ESSLC website.
The organization is open to all students who range from 6th grade to 12th grade. The website for the ESSLC program includes more information on who is included in the program from the owners to different supporters. Some of the many sponsor businesses include Chase, Charles Schwab Bank, NV Energy Foundation, Caesars Entertainment, etc.
The conference is going to be held in the Student Union building. Admission will be free for all students and parents who choose to come explore the program.

The goal of this program is to have parents learn knowledge that will help their child or children in their future schooling and job careers. The meeting wants to also encourage students to learn about important things for their schooling and college opportunities from being in the program and gaining the different knowledge skills from it.
During the morning of the conference, UNLV Early Outreach will go over all of the different listed programs and skills they want the public to gain from the meeting. As a courtesy to the event, UNLV will be providing lunch in the UNLV Commons. However, students and parents will need to register for lunch on the UNLV website or through the QR code on SRHS’s flier.
Further into the afternoon, the organization invited Shadow Ridge’s students and parents to a party where they will host a resource fair. It will include entertainment, games, contests, some music and more.
Shadow Ridge has been working with the program for a few years. It has helped multiple students in the past and continues to influence and give students and parents opportunities to learn important things for their futures.
“There are a lot of other opportunities out there like this, be sure to review the things your counselor sends you through your school email, just in case there may be something that interests you,” comments Mrs. Hebb.