Brynlee Stewart, though her friends call her Brizzly, is a junior at Shadow Ridge High School. For her, it is clear that she should strive to exceed and excel in every way possible. As a proud player on the Shadow Ridge Women’s Soccer Team she shows all of her teammate companionship and finds creative ways to lift the team up and bring them together.

But with soccer season ending, Stewart is looking for new ways to fill her schedule. As of the 8th of October, she was nominated as the National Honor Society Service Officer. Her job is to plan and then execute service activities for the rest of the club. It is evident through her time and commitment to the National Honor Society that Stewart is a woman of determination and dedication.
But it doesn’t stop there. Stewart is also a part of DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) DECA is an organization that prepares its members for careers in management, marketing, hospitality, and finance. Stewart is the Vice President of Marketing which she described as, “I’m basically the marketing and business association.”
And it just keeps going. The Just Serve Club, founded by senior, Jackson Luszeck, is a club that, to put it simply, just serves. Most recently, they successfully conducted a blood drive on the school’s grounds, on October 31st. Stewart is the treasurer for the club and keeps their finances in check.
Towards the end of the year Stewart plans to join the Track and Field Team, she will participate in pole vaulting as she has for several years.
And lastly, right now, outside of school she spends her time practicing for Zion’s Youth. Which is a musical performance the youth of The Latter Day Saints Church participate in. While the orchestra is talented, Stewart prefers to sing with the Zion’s Youth Choir. Her reason for doing all that she does is simple. She wants to go to a good college and is willing to fight for it.
Her plans for after high school consist of college at Brigham Young University and then serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter days Saints. She said the key to staying balanced through all of her extracurricular activities was to, “Prioritize tasks and plan ahead. I’m actually not sure how I stay on schedule but it all tends to all work out if you consistently work hard.”