Chess is a game of strategy, and a battle of the wits between a player and their opponent. It is truly a game of pure skill and requires carefully thought out moves. At Shadow Ridge High School, students with a passion or interest in playing chess unite together in the Chess Club held every Tuesday after school by Mr. Bennett in room 832. In Chess Club, participants not only play chess, but also engage in competitions against other schools’ chess teams.

“Chess is a fun game and is easier than most people think. We love to collaborate with each other and everyone is pretty cool,” senior Addason Wing, committed Chess Club member shares. “I like the culture in the club that people care about improving their skills. We can help each other when we don’t see a move and discuss different positions.”
Chess Club creates a community of several students with a fascination in chess who help each other to better strategize and grow.
“I learned how to play chess when I was around seven, but I never fully got into it. Chess Club has brought me to other people who are passionate about the game which makes it a lot easier to focus on getting better and see how I’m doing,” Wing remarks.
Wing and other members of the club have utilized Chess Club as a weekly practice and opportunity to enhance their abilities.
Senior Alex Wilson explains, “I have been playing chess for about 10 years. Being in Chess Club has helped me develop more knowledge in how I play chess and what I should play against certain openings.”
The helpful practice that takes place in Chess Club has definitely contributed to the success of their competitions so far. They currently hold a record of 5-1 in their competitions against other chess teams from schools around the area.

“For the competitions, we take the top five players, who usually are quite experienced, but on the weeks that we don’t have a competition, we want everyone to come,” Wing shares.
Chess Club is open to all students who have the desire to play chess no matter their current skill level. The club has already had several new players join the club this year.
“You should join the Chess Club because you meet a lot of people, and you improve your thinking skills,” Wilson expresses. “You can learn new strategies, challenge yourself, and play friendly games with others who enjoy chess.”