Abbie McArthur is a freshman attending Shadow Ridge High School. She is a player on the Freshman Volleyball Team, a good student, and an even better teammate.
McArthur has been attending high school for eight weeks now and so far has enjoyed her time. She said the biggest adjustment from middle to high school was, “Just how many people there are, and it always gets so crowded with every passing period.”
This is a reasonable response considering that there are only 860 students attending Coral Academy Middle School, McAurthur’s previous school, and 3,243 students attending Shadow Ridge. That is over three times as many students.
Like many other freshmen, Abbie McArthur was nervous to take the leap from middle to high school. Shadow Ridge, like many other schools, tries to ease the transition through Freshman Orientation. Freshman Orientation is an event that the Student Council holds about a week before school starts for any incoming Mustangs. It consists of a pep rally for the students, information for parents about where, when, and how to pay for class fees, new Shadow Ridge merchandise being sold at the student store, and the “counselor corner,” which is an opportunity for freshmen to talk with their counselor about their upcoming school year.
McArthur said the assembly was useful.
That being said, she also said that more information could have been helpful. “I feel like, for the most part, I knew what to expect coming into high school, but I wasn’t sure about everything.”

Obviously high school and middle school are different, each coming with their own perks and more often than not, their own disadvantages. According to McArthur, the best part of her high school experience has been the classes. She feels that her courses are not as hard as middle school and the staff trusts their students much more. She likes that the campus is outdoors. She says that teachers, overall, are more effective in their teaching styles.
Still, life at Shadow Ridge High school does have its cons.
McArthur mentions, “The worst part about high school so far has been the smells inside of the bathroom.”
It is not far off to say that almost every student within Shadow’s walls can agree.
Being new to anything can be difficult, especially at a young age. However, McAurthur, along with the rest of the class of 2028 are taking the challenge in stride.