October is the month for spooky skeletons, witches hats, and seasonal flavors. However, it is also the perfect time for preparing to get new college merch and saving a spot in the dormitories.
College is seen by most students as the perfect path after high school, and Cassie Murray, the school’s college advisor, works hard to ensure that every student finds what they are looking for.
“Depending on a student’s career path, they may need a college education to pursue that career. If so, students need to make an educated decision when deciding what colleges to apply to,” said Murray. “It is so important to find a school that is your right fit regarding: cost, size, location, programs of study, etc.”
There are plenty of options for students to learn about any and all opportunities that may be of interest in the Counselor’s Corner.
“Students should attend presentations for any colleges, careers, trade schools they are interested in pursuing. Maybe students are interested in attending cosmetology school but they don’t know which one,” commented Murray. “There are 3 different cosmetology schools visiting Shadow this year, so I would encourage that student to hear all 3 presentations so they can compare the schools and gather information to help them make an informed decision.”
But, college isn’t the only option for graduates.
“Maybe a student is on the fence about joining the military… Recruiters from each branch of the military visit the corner, so the student could meet with a military rep and get some information that may help them make a decision,” said Murray.

Students are encouraged to look into the Counselor Corner’s website to view any events that may be of interest. Mrs. Murray is happy to share everything she has planned this month.
“There are a variety of in-state and out of state colleges visiting this month! We are also holding a FAFSA workshop for parents who would like assistance in creating their FSA ID so they are ready once the FAFSA form opens in December,” commented Murray.
However, deadlines are quickly approaching.
“October 31st is the last day to apply for the Nevada Promise Scholarship, so I will still be helping students apply on October 29 & 30 to ensure they meet the deadline! If you haven’t applied and you want to, see Ms. Murray now!!! :)” stated Murray.
The corner is open for presentations, with new opportunities and viewings available for anyone who signs up.
Missy Shipp • Nov 3, 2024 at 11:31 am
Mrs. Murray and the college/career presentations rock!