The Shadow Ridge DECA chapter is working hard to prepare students for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. DECA is an international association dedicated to developing emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. DECA offers high school and college students opportunities to partner with several corporations while also making friends and having fun.
Shadow Ridge’s DECA chapter started meeting September 3rd and has continued to meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month since then. These meetings run from 1:20 PM to 2:20 PM in room 311. During these meetings, DECA members discuss topics such as scholarship opportunities, leadership training, and more.

Shadow Ridge DECA advisor Kim McCoy says “Our DECA meetings cover scholarships, competition events preparation, leadership training, and chapter bonding.”
DECA has a lot to look forward to in the coming months, according to McCoy, stating, “DECA’s next event is Thursday, October 31st at CSN for Nevada DECA’s Fall leadership workshop.”
This conference will be an opportunity for DECA members to network with industry professionals and learn about invaluable leadership skills. The event won’t just be about learning, though, as a dash of fun was thrown in with the addition of Halloween costumes to the event.
DECA members have access to a multitude of benefits that extend further than just the classroom. DECA gives many opportunities to its members, such as community service hours. Community service can not only serve as a way to give back to a students community, but they also serve as a way to gain important people skills in the process. Scholarships are also an option available to DECA members. The chance to gain a scholarship shouldn’t be overlooked by students, saving money on higher education is an opportunity not typically available to normal students.
“There are so many opportunities with DECA such as community service hours, scholarships, partnerships with several corporate partners, financial education, college and career readiness skills, and along with developing friendships,” noted McCoy.
DECA creates an environment where students can create long lasting friendships. The chapter produces a sense of community and belonging with its members, this community is important for navigating life through high school and even college.
With meetings that create a strong and supportive community, opportunities not commonly afforded to students, a focus on building important life skills, and the ability to network with industry professionals, Shadow Ridge’s DECA chapter seems like a no-brainer to students looking for an opportunity to get ahead of their peers after high school.