This school year, Clark County School District is introducing a new cell phone pouch policy at all middle schools and high schools. The Faraday bags will block all signals to the phones. These signal-blocking pouches are being used during instructional time and students have access to their phones during passing periods, lunch, and in the event of an emergency. The topic of the Faraday phone pouches has become extremely controversial throughout the district.
Social studies teacher, Lisa Nichols stated, “I initially thought that the students would hate them and it would be a lot of work for teachers to monitor. I think now because it is new they are a big deterrent, as the year goes on I anticipate some pushback or sneaky behavior. But hopefully, by then there will be the expectation that phones just don’t have a place in the classroom for the most part”
Nichols highlights that she believes that phones do not belong in a classroom setting, especially when students are working and learning. Many students try to avoid using the bags and do not like the idea of them. Nichols was anticipating the pushback from students not wanting to use the bags and had prepared for that challenge.
Nichols continues, “The kids have access to their phones at all times, the bags are just closed with velcro, and if a teacher says that students can use his/her phone for a certain lesson then they can.”
The phone pouches are used at a teacher’s discretion. This means that students’ phones are available in the event of an emergency where students will need to contact someone, or if their teacher says that they can be on them for an assignment or lesson.

Junior Jacey Graf stated, “I like that the phone pouches can be helpful for some kids learning, however, I don’t like that I can’t listen to music when doing my school work because that’s something that helps me, and many other kids, focus on their work and can make it less stressful and overwhelming. I think phone bags can be just as much of a good thing as a bad as well.”
Many students will benefit from the Faraday phone pouches, keeping the distractions away and out of sight. Meanwhile, some students find that having their phones available during class is helpful. Listening to music helps many students focus better on their school work, instruction, and assignments.