Shadow Ridge Student Council wants to be more musical-themed with their events this year and decided La La Land was the perfect way to start. La La Land is a story about an actress and an aspiring jazz musician who fall in love while living out their dreams in Hollywood.
“La La Land would be a perfect Homecoming theme with how many great ideas we had for decorations and visuals we thought of immediately,” StucCo senior, Layla Williams stated.
Along with the dance is a Homecoming Spirit Week, parade, and game the Friday before. The parade allows all clubs and after-school activities to show some of their Mustang pride while also showing who they are. The game is normally after the parade, showcasing the football team and cheerleaders’ hard work in hopes of winning the season’s opening home game. The parade/game will be on Friday, September 13. The following day, Saturday, September 14, will be when the dance takes place from 7:00-10:00 pm on the football field.
There is much that goes on behind the scenes in planning Homecoming season for StucCo.
“It takes each member to do their part so we can have a successful Homecoming, such as helping with the assembly, decorating the hallways, preparing for the spirit week and activities, and so much more,” Williams stated. “There are also times when we need to use time outside of school to help.”

Williams loves being able to work with all of the other members of the Student Council to create the dance and is excited about the outcome.
“My favorite part about planning Homecoming is definitely when we are setting up because it’s so satisfying to see everything that all the members of the Student Council have worked on, allowing us to come together and look amazing,” Williams stated. “It also feels amazing to have people enjoy the dance more just because of the decorations!”
There are also a few rules during the dance that Mustangs must follow to have a safe and fun time.
“Rules that should be followed when going to Homecoming is to not wear heels! Wearing them could potentially ruin the turf for our football players. Another rule is to make sure you have your ticket and student ID when checking in. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get in. These are just some precautions to ensure we’re all safe and have a good time at the dance,” Williams said.
Prices will continue to increase until the night of the dance. From now until September 8th, tickets are $40. September 9th – 13th, $50. And for those students who forgot to purchase the tickets ahead of time, they will be $60 at the door.
For more information, such as the times for the parade and game that have yet to be determined, be sure to be on the lookout for any updates on the football Instagram page @defendtheridge and the Shadow Ridge official Instagram @srmustangs.
Missy Shipp • Sep 2, 2024 at 1:06 pm
Great article.