Aaliyah Jaime, a senior at Shadow Ridge, is doing extremely well academically and in athletics. Throughout Jaime’s high school career, she has played flag football and volleyball for Shadow Ridge. Staying organized and keeping up with school and multiple sports all at once can be a challenge, but Jaime has found ways to stay up to date with everything.
Jaime stated, “Over the years I have learned that one of the biggest aspects when playing two sports and having advanced classes is managing my time and the little bit of time that I do have throughout the day. Whenever I have any kind of down time I always try to get my school work done even though sometimes it would sound better to take a nap. A lot of the time I have some time in my classes to do my work so I really do my best to try and have as little homework as possible so that I can worry about other things outside of school.”

She highlights the importance of time management when juggling multiple sports and classes. Finding those moments of downtime and using them wisely to complete schoolwork is a big part of keeping up with everything all at once. She explains how important it is to find a balance and make the most of the time that is available.
Jaime continues, “Throughout my high school career I have been lucky enough to participate in both volleyball and flag football here at Shadow Ridge. Since I was little I have always loved playing volleyball. I used to play pool volleyball just with family and I ended up finding a love and passion for it which I am forever grateful for. As far as flag football, I never really played before high school but my younger brothers all played tackle football since they were five years old so it’s something that I have always been around. I figured heading into high since I had already been around the sport for so long I might as well try it out and see where it goes. Little did I know three years later I would be a three time state champion and be getting recruited for playing both flag football and volleyball and loving both sports.”
Jaime’s passion for both sports has been a big motivator through her high school career. Her love for sports has opened up amazing opportunities for her, including being recruited for volleyball and flag football.
Jaime states, “Spending time with family and friends and just taking some breaks really helps me with the stress of having multiple activities. I think that although I am very busy just taking those five minute breaks to laugh with my brothers really helps me not stress, but refocus and recenter when I get tired.”

Shipp • Apr 8, 2024 at 3:56 pm
Great article on Aaliyah! Nice job Holly!