Shadow Ridge High School’s Forensic Science program is on the brink of an exciting milestone as its students prepare to unveil a series of captivating crime scenes. Led by the third-year students and the esteemed Special 32 Crew, these immersive scenarios represent the culmination of years of study and hands-on learning.
Scheduled for next week, the anticipation among students from all levels of the program is tangible.
“I’ve been blown away by the dedication and ingenuity of our students. Their attention to detail and commitment to excellence are evident in every aspect of this project,” noted Mrs. Traci Kannon, School Principal.
The Forensic Science lab at Shadow Ridge has been transformed into a dynamic space where budding investigators can put their skills to the test in real-world situations, honing their abilities in analysis and deduction.
For the third-year students, including members of the Special 32 Crew, this project is more than just a final assignment, it’s a chance to showcase their expertise and creativity. Tasked with designing complex crime scenes, they’ve poured their knowledge of forensic science into crafting scenarios that challenge their peers to think critically and apply their learning in practical ways.
Under the guidance of their dedicated instructor, Mr. Stahlke, the students have worked collaboratively to bring these scenes to life.
Mr. Stahlke stated, “These talented kids are crafting detailed narratives to strategically place evidence, each element has been carefully considered to provide an engaging and educational experience.”
As the unveiling date approaches, excitement is building throughout the school. Students are eager to step into the shoes of investigators, eager to test their skills and unravel the mysteries laid out before them. The dedication and ingenuity of the Shadow Ridge Forensic Science students serve as a testament to the value of hands-on learning and the thrill of discovery in the field of forensic science.
The Forensic Science program at Shadow Ridge High School has always been known for its innovative approach to teaching. Mr. Stahlke, the program’s instructor, believes in the power of experiential learning and encourages his students to take a hands-on approach to their studies. This emphasis on practical application has helped students develop a deep understanding of forensic science principles while also fostering teamwork and critical thinking skills.
Mariah, member of the Special 32 Crew expressed, “As a member of the Special 32 Crew, I feel a sense of responsibility to leave a lasting impact on our program. This project is our chance to make a difference and inspire future students.”
The Special 32 Crew, a group of third-year students who are the last cohort of their kind in the program’s history, have embraced this philosophy wholeheartedly. They see their final project as an opportunity not only to demonstrate their mastery of the subject but also to leave a lasting impact on future students.
“I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished,” says Chloe Cabarles, a member of the Special 32 Crew. “It’s been a lot of hard work, but seeing everything come together makes it all worth it.”
As the students make final preparations for the unveiling, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air. Everyone is eager to see the results of their hard work and to experience the thrill of solving a mystery firsthand. In just a few short days, the Forensic Science lab at Shadow Ridge High School will be transformed into a crime scene investigator’s dream, and for the students involved, it will be a moment they’ll never forget—a culmination of years of study, dedication, and passion for the field of forensic science.