The Shadow Ridge cyber teams competed in the national semi-finals recently. They put in a lot of hard work and dedication throughout the year, and it all paid off. The teams finished first and second in the state of Nevada for the Gold Tier.
Mr. Mann, The cyber security teacher at Shadow Ridge stated, “Both teams are full of students who enjoy cyber security and compete in multiple competitions and use the competitions as a way of increasing their skill levels. They look at the class as a way to prepare themselves for a career in cyber security.”

The cyber security students are motivated to do well in class and in competitions. They are preparing themselves for a career in cyber security and getting better in cyber security, helping them to excel in competitions and in class. Mann highlights how the class and the competitions have helped cyber security students to increase their skill levels.
Mann continues, “I had 5 students get invited to a UNLV pilot program this year and they will get 6 free college credits in programming and a paid internship over the summer. My cyber students also have the opportunity to earn industry certifications at no cost which usually cost several hundred dollars per certification. They also get national recognition for doing well in the competitions and just like other college athletes they might draw the attention of colleges with how well they do in the competitions.”
Mann underlines the fact that competing in cyber security competitions can get students a lot of recognition that they normally wouldn’t get. They can get scholarships, internships, and are able to earn college credits, all through competing in cyber security. Students can also earn industry certifications and get recognition and could catch the attention of college or job recruiters.
Mann states, “Competitions are hands-on activities based on the skills that I teach. The competitions give students a way to measure themselves against other cyber teams in the district and across the nation. There are multiple competitions throughout the year such as: Cyber Patriot, Cyber Start, National Cyber League, the National Cyber Cup, and the US Cyber Games. Shadow Ridge routinely competes against magnet schools in Nevada and CTAs across the valley including A-Tech, Faith Lutheran, and West CTA. Shadow Ridge even had two current students qualify for the national team and one graduated student make the national team.”
Shadow Ridge is currently ranked 14th in the nation for high schools in the national cyber league. Competitions give students the opportunity to see their progress in cyber security and improve even more.