The Shadow Ridge High School swim team is about ready to start their season and the team is always looking for new athletes to join.
The swim team is expecting to have 20 girls and 15 boys join the team. The team has been here since the school opened in 2003, and they practice 3 days a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for an hour. The coach of the swim is Mr. Bedingfield.

Kora Tomlinson, one of the students on the swim team states, “He is one of the best coaches we could have. He pushes us to do our best and helps us strive for excellence.”
Their warm ups consist of about 20 laps of each swim stroke and while they are practicing. They usually have 6 to 7 swim meets a year which usually last about 4 to 5 hours.
Swimming is a great way to spend time, have fun and get some exercise. Some of the people on the swim team have been swimming since they were young.
Tomlinson states, “I’ve been swimming since I was little, and my motto that I have always followed is to strive and do your best. Being in such a competitive sport, it can be hard sometimes but you have to keep the strength and courage to keep moving forward.”
Swimming is really good for a person’s health so if there isn’t an interest in volleyball, softball, football, etc, then joining the swim team is a great sport to try!
It is a very competitive sport but as long as a swimmer has strength and courage and they don’t give up then they can do anything.

Lila Brough, one of the students on the swim team states, “I’ve wanted to swim since elementary school and it has totally lived up to what I thought it was. I absolutely love this sport!”
Elaina Wasden, another one of the students on the swim team states, “Don’t let fear of false starting keep you from swimming the race.”
When being in a sport it is good to have a motto, it helps keep the team motivated, inspired and helps the team stay focused and committed to their goals. A motto also helps so the team doesn’t get stuck; they can just keep repeating their motto in their head so they don’t give up.
Isis Gwin, another one of the students on the team states, “Just keep swimming!”