Plans for picking classes for the 2024-25 school year are underway, and counselors are working hard to prepare students to choose. Counselors are preparing to meet with students figuring out what they want their upcoming school year to look like.

Mrs.Hebb, an SRHS counselor, stated, “We are busy getting our entire process ready so that all information is clear and available to students and parents. We update videos, forms, resources for students and parents, etc. Most importantly, we are communicating with staff about what next year will look like! Are we adding new classes, and getting rid of programs. New things are always happening and it’s a wild time!”
Students are encouraged to start researching their choices and start making decisions for when they meet with their counselors to talk about classes for next year. Students should also talk to their current teachers and figure out what is right for them.
Hebb continues, “Over the next few weeks, students should be doing research about what courses they are interested in taking. They should use the course catalog, the Lariat, speaking to their teachers, etc. Each grade level will complete the same process.”

Students have resources available to them that tell them lots of information about classes at SRHS that tell them about the classes, helping them figure out what classes will benefit them the most. Students should be reflecting on their goals and interests while looking into classes.
Each grade level choosing classes for next year will be completing the same process. Students will receive an email from their counselor with a video/slides presentation, elective interest form and resources. Students will then fill out the elective interest form that was sent in the email. Students will meet with their counselor to discuss and make a plan for all the classes they will take next school year. Then, students will look over final choices with a parent and complete the approval form that gets emailed to them after the meeting.
Hebb stated, “We like this process because it allows students to start doing their research and planning prior to sitting with us to make decisions. Most of the time students feel confident that they know what they want since they have been talking and researching on their own. Plus, it’s so important that students talk to their teachers. They have a wealth of knowledge about classes in their department. Teachers are the best resources!”
During pre registration schedule over the next few weeks, students will meet with their counselors to choose classes for next school year.
January 12: 11th graders and parents will receive email with all information and form to submit requests
January 19-February 8: 11th graders will meet individually with their counselor through U.S. History
January 25: 10th graders and parents will receive email with all information and form to submit requests
February 1-13: 10th graders will meet individually with their counselor through World History
February 8: 9th graders and parents will receive email with all information and form to submit requests
February 15-28: 9th graders will meet individually with their counselor through Health/Freshman Studies