Shadow Ridge’s Archery Club is one of the many activities a student can choose to do after school. All boys and girls are allowed to come right after school up to either 3:30 or 4:00. Archery Club is very welcoming to everyone there, they are all very kind and supportive.

Their old archery instructor, Mr. Krohn retired so right now there is a new staff advisor. They are being taught all the safety rules because archery needs a lot of safety rules and precautions so no one gets shot with an arrow.
One of the archers, sophomore Jay Descutido states, “Archery is an amazing community where we come together to make friends and experience new things, some that might even be helpful in general.” Descutido continues, “We have so many things in store for those who are interested and we all love archery so much it’s wonderful. Now we all just wait for the new instructor to also experience this amazing experience with all of us.
Descutido has been in the Archery Club since last year as a freshman and she will be coming back to the club this year as a sophomore.
Archery is definitely not an easy sport. It takes time and practice, these archers keep working hard and trying their best and they are getting better and better everyday. Sometimes not everyone knows what to do and they have a hard time aiming exactly where they want to but they help each other the best they can to obtain the goal that they want.
Descutido also states, “Archery is a fun learning experience where you learn to concentrate and have a goal in mind and you set your mind to reach that goal.”

Descutido loves archery and plans to stick with it. She also states, “The things I learned stuck with me so why end now when I have come so far?”
Archery is a great sport for anyone. It is super fun and a great way to spend time after class ends and when a student needs to do something after school. Archery Club serves many purposes and there are a bunch of different things a student can do with archery like practicing with friends for fun, joining a league and attending tournaments.
Is also a great sport to get to know some more people and make some new friends. It is a great way to learn some new skills and have a great time after a long day of school work. This club helps students connect with like minded people who also are also very interested in learning how to shoot a bow. Archery is a very fun skill to learn and it helps with mental focus and concentration.