With a new generation of technology emerging, computers and their components have become amazing past times for many. Senior, Tyler Shauerhamer has found fun within building his own PC’s.

“I build desktop gaming computers mostly. It involves finding all the correct parts and knowing what’s compatible/what works the best together. I have to make sure one component doesn’t get held back by other components that are less powerful and I have to make sure whatever I get will suffice a customers needs,” Shauerhamer says.
While Shauerhamer is still using his amazing computer skills, his expertise is nothing new.
“Over one summer when I was 13 I saved up enough money from doing yardwork and other odd jobs to buy a laptop. When it finally arrived I realized it sucked and couldn’t play games like I wanted it to, because I didn’t know what I was buying. So I started researching computer components, how they worked, and discovered the ability to built a desktop computer really cheap that would perform better than a laptop for the same price,” Shauehamer says. “I ended up convincing one of my friends to build a computer for him (it ended up being a disaster) but I learned a ton and built a couple more for various people until I became addicted. I’ve built 100+ now and am very proud of every computer I build because I know they’re some of the best performing and best priced on the market.”

While the most interesting part of a computer for many is what happens on the outside, through his many years of working with computers, Shauerhamer appreciates what takes place on the inside the most.
“My favorite part has got to be the power supply. It’s the component that takes the power from the wall and converts it to the correct voltages and wattage that the computer needs. Lots of people take this part for granted and cheap out on it without realizing its very important role,” says Shauerhamer.
Shauerhamer’s love for computers stemmed into a new love for entrepreneurship and all things that come with operating a business.
“Although the process of building PCs is still very fun, today I’m more interested in the business aspect of it. I love talking to customers to negotiate price, discuss custom builds, and advertise features. I’ve build a business called Hammer PCs (based off my last name) and along with that comes a website, merchandise, business cards, etc and everything of that sort really excites me.”
While owning his own business is impressive within itself, his ability to provide budget friendly options to consumers is what really makes him shine.

“I’m going to have to say the most impressive thing I’ve built is my cheapest computer. It was a gaming computer made with very old parts but it only cost $120 Ti build and was able to play light video games (Minecraft, CSGO, fortnite, etc) which was incredible for only being $120. I’ve built similar machines for $150-200 and every time it surprises me how old and cheap parts can work so well with modern gaming,” Shauerhamer says.
Missy Shipp • Nov 23, 2023 at 8:16 am
Very cool!