Marcos Covarrubias is a junior at Shadow Ridge High School who loves music. He has always taken an interest in the music arts from a young age while spreading positivity along his journey. With hopes of living life to the fullest, he wants to expand his music career and be part of the Las Vegas Orchestra Assemble. With the Las Vegas Ensemble, Covarrubias would be able to travel around the world and make others happy while he performs with his group on a stage where hundreds if not thousands, get to see him play. He’s currently trying to make his way through life as a teenager with a love and future of music and is excited about what the future holds.
Covarrubias plays the violin on stage but at home, he can also be found playing the piano.
Covarrubias has a bright smile on his face when he performs and hopes to spread that smile across the audience.

“I want to be able to perform for others’ enjoyment,” Covarrubias stated.
When Covarrubias isn’t practicing or performing, he is still caught spreading positivity while hanging out with his friends and family.
“I guess hanging out with friends and spreading positivity are the reasons I keep going and achieving my goals,” Covarrubias said.
Though he’s mostly passionate about music, Covarrubias is always open to trying new things.
Though at times, practicing constantly can get stressful, Covarrubias still maintains calmness, hope, and kindness toward others. And with a bright future ahead of him, he’s not trying to let go of those positive emotions that keep him going through his concerts.
However, Covarrubias’s positivity isn’t the only thing that helps him get through the hard work that goes along with the creative side of music alongside preparation for all of their songs. Covarrubias’s mom has pushed him to be a better person and a better musician.
“My mom pushes me to be better at my passion. When she was younger, she wanted to be a musician too. But when she moved over to the States, she was no longer able to pursue those dreams.”
Though he’s not in the Las Vegas Ensemble just yet, he is working his way through to get there. Covarrubias will be rejoining the CCSD Honor Orchestra this year which should hopefully lead him to the big picture.
It’s not easy getting into advanced levels of the orchestra but with determination and dedication, Covarrubias hopes to pursue a career in music down the road they call life.