AI Programs Will Influence the Future of Education

May 12, 2023
The education system has had major changes throughout time. Assignments have gone digital. There is a summarized version online of virtually all books. Grammatical errors are fixed automatically by a person’s computer. Students can even use their iPhone camera to solve quadratic equations, and have the app show them how to do it. These things are just the beginning of how technology affects aspects of learning. With recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), it will become an integral part of modern life, and its impact on education cannot be overlooked.
The current educational system often leaves students feeling overwhelmed with loads of work. It also is criticized for students feeling like they’re being taught useless information, leaving students uninterested and not inspired to learn. The current system is often considered outdated, and leaves both students and teachers incredibly high work loads.
Sophomore Bella Mora said, ”Most people I know don’t actually learn the material. They just resort to rushing through assignments and cramming to pass tests.”
AI presents a way for students to not have to learn dull things, and will allow teachers to focus on larger aspects of education. Aside from things like basic sentence structure, knowing how to read, knowing how math works, understanding how plants grow, basic resources that is essential for humans to know. Students need to know how to learn effectively. At the same time, AI can help lessen the administrative work that teachers have to do. Teachers using AI will have the ability to spend time and interact more with students.
Sophomore Alex Smith said “I believe that being able to talk with my teacher more often improves my learning because I feel more comfortable getting help when I need it.”
Many new AI programs have been developed to help students. Something like Quillbot, an online paraphrasing tool gives students suggestions on how to reword sentences to sound more fluent. Thinkster is an AI generated math tutor that interacts with students, by answering questions, making guided study plans, and showing students how to do work. Content technologies is an AI generator that can help students with doing work in many classes.
Mora said “I’m sure all kids have used some sort of app to help them with school work at some point.”
Teachers might hate hearing about things with AI, but they also can use similar tools. Teachers would most likely appreciate these tools. One tool that would definitely benefit teachers is called Gradescope. Gradescope is an AI software that is used to help teachers more efficiently grade student work and see what each individual student needs help with. Using this technology is surprisingly simple. Teachers scan, or submit, a student’s work. Gradescope then goes over the work, finds errors, marks up every assignment to correct the errors and then submits the work for grading. After grading, teachers receive analytics on that assignment, and they have an easier way to see what the class actually needs to work on. Time and effort can be change all while that can be saved, all while creating a better way for teachers to understand what each student needs. It is undoubtedly a win-win, for teachers and students.
The integration of AI into the modern education system has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn, how teachers teach, and even gives everybody a chance to learn. However, calling out the flaws of the modern day education system is the first step to making a change. The current inefficiencies in today’s education have the chance to be changed, and turned into an engaging personalized learning experience.