Men’s Golf 2023
February 1, 2023
Men’s Golf season is kicking off pretty soon and the Mustangs had a great season last year. The team took second place at state last season even with their very young team, but some valuable players also graduated last year.
The golf team has been working hard all off season whether it’s at the driving range or on a course.
“I have been working on my putting, placement, and fades. I have struggled with these things and have ended up with me using strokes that I shouldn’t have had to use,” says Zach Stout, sophomore and player on the golf team last year. Stout continues, “I’m excited to play Coronado this season as I feel as our team has really improved and we can get revenge for the state game last year, but we will have to really focus and we all have to play hard. Coronado is a good team and it will be a great match when we play them again.”

The state championship match was a great match to watch last year. The Shadow Ridge Mustangs went up against the Coronado Cougars. The game was extremely close and came down to every single player on the team. The Mustangs unfortunately lost but they are ready to defeat Coronado this year..
The Mustangs play every week, and sometimes two times a week with the matches lasting 4 to 5 hours. The matches take up time so the players spend a lot of time on the course.
Sophomore Bridger Johnson says, “My favorite part about matches is getting to play with other people from different schools, and playing lots of different courses in Las Vegas.”
Golf requires a tremendous amount of focus and hard work to perfect the game. People play golf their entire lives to perfect their skills. Johnson is a golf enthusiast and has been playing ever since he was little.

Johnson comments, “I have been playing golf with my dad ever since I could hold a club.”
Since Johnson has been golfing for a while he has learned his key to success.
“My key to success in golf is having the passion to practice everyday and have the competitive drive to win each and every tournament you play in.” Johnson continues, “My favorite thing about golf after I put in the work is getting the feeling of accomplishment after winning a tournament and the hard work paying off.”
The Mustangs have been preparing all year for this upcoming season and they are ready.