All About Animal Shelters
January 20, 2023
Millions of animals enter US shelters each and every year. Due to overpopulation, many of these shelters are forced to euthanize as many as 920,000 animals every year according to ASPCA. One of the largest issues that causes this overcrowding is pet dumping. Pet dumping happens when an owner drops off or releases a pet into the wild to fend for themselves. Most people do not know the commitment that comes with a pet before getting one and bail after a few months, leaving the them without a home.
Sophomore Kasai Janvier explains, “I think shelters are a horrible place for animals to be in. It is sad to see or even hear about the impact they have and how traumatizing some of them can be. I’m glad that some animal shelters prioritize their animals and give them the care they deserve.”
The Animal Foundation is a local shelter in Las Vegas located at 655 N Mojave Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89101. Just like any shelter website, The Animal Foundation has many drop-downs to guide people where they would like to go. Their mission is to “save the lives of all healthy and treatable animals in the Las Vegas valley.” They work with local businesses like Petco and Petsmart Charities, who work to save the lives of animals in their clinic and through adoption. Petsmart stores usually have cats in clear cages inside of the store, customers are able to ask to see a cat, and potentially adopt same-day. There are ways to adopt on their website as well, and occasionally they host events primarily for dog adoption opportunities.
Sophomore Isabella Zane says, “I think that animal shelters aren’t the best places for animals especially if they intend to ‘put them down’ if they aren’t chosen. Many animals are very ill or have been through some type of abusive trauma. If you don’t want an animal, offer them to individuals you know they would love.”
Nevada SPCA is another local shelter, 5375 S Procyon St Suite 108, Las Vegas, NV 89118. The SPCA is a known no-kill shelter. No-kill has limits, and the SPCA respects that, and promotes “compassionate euthanasia” for animals who are suffering or dangerous. On their website, the SPCA has a designated section for FAQs , making it easy for people to find what they need quickly. By prioritizing space and healthy care for animals, more shelters would be able to become no-kill. Donations make it easier for shelters to expand and provide more care for pets in need.
Janvier continues, “I hope that one day people will realize how much commitment comes with a pet, and that they aren’t just something cute to play with but instead another valuable life.”
Heaven Can Wait Animal Society is another shelter that can be visited at 546 N Eastern Ave #175, Las Vegas, NV 89101. They work to prevent unnecessary euthanization. Their website has a wish-list that people can buy off of to support the shelter if they are not able to adopt or foster a pet. If neither of these options fit, jobs are almost always available at local shelters due to the succeeding amount of pets coming into the facilities. There are countless other shelters in Las Vegas full of pets who are looking for a forever home full of commitment and love. Dogs, cats, and small animals are not to be taken lightly, and instead viewed as another family member.