Come Party with the Polynesian Club
The Polynesian Club taking a group photo
November 1, 2020
The Polynesian Club was started at Shadow Ridge in 2017 and provides a place for Polynesian students to connect and for everybody to learn about the culture. Makayla Alia, senior, and Noah Kesi, freshman, lead the club as president and vice-president with Shannon Alia as the advisor.
The Polynesian Club is meant for students of all backgrounds to enjoy. Their mission is to help students learn more about Polynesian culture. The club is not just about learning about Polynesian culture but also about many different cultures.
“Everyone should join the club!” shares Alia. “No matter what culture, religion, ethnicity, we are really just trying to learn about all of the different types of these things from all around the world.”

This club also really helps out Polynesian students in the Shadow Ridge community. It creates a space where students can connect and befriend peers who have a similar background as them. The Polynesian Club aims to make a safe space at Shadow for Polynesian kids.
“I think the club affects the community by giving the Polynesian kids a place to go,” stated Alia. “A lot of families move from Hawaii and a lot go to Shadow so if they are new we are a safe space for them until they get comfortable.”
For freshman Noah Kesi, who is the club’s vice-president, the Polynesian Club has helped him learn more about his culture and make new friends. He joined because he wanted to educate others on Polynesian culture and spread it throughout the world.

“I [joined because I] wanted to learn more about my culture and also unify the Polynesians here at Shadow Ridge,” Kesi explains. “Also, I wanted to educate others on the Polynesian culture and spread our word all over the world.”
At the moment there are 15 members in the Polynesian Club but they are hoping to gain more. During club meetings, members participate in an activity presenting cultures to each other. These activities are planned by President Alia and Vice-President Kesi. Alia also likes to keep track of things members like to do, while Kesi helps plan events, makes agendas, and helps out the president with anything she needs.
Any student interested in joining can find more information on the school website by clicking on clubs/activities under the student’s tab or by following the Polynesian Club on their Instagram @srhspolyclub_. The club is perfect for those wanting to learn about the Polynesian culture or just looking for something new to try.