The Great Debate: Wheels or Doors
12 Colorful Doors
December 14, 2022
In March of 2022 a New Zealand Rugby manager posted on Twitter and presented an interesting question, are there more doors or wheels in the world? This very question sparked a big debate all over social media platforms, and it has become a topic of debate at Shadow Ridge. Students have many different opinions on the subject and very unique ways of explaining why they believe in their choice.
Emma Cuff, a freshman this year at Shadow Ridge, has decided to side with doors. She believes that there are obviously more doors than there are wheels because, in her opinion, there are more doors in a house than wheels on a car. She states that there are even stores, office buildings, and even cars that all have multiple doors within them.
She does also realize that there are a good amount of things with wheels, like cars, shopping carts, forklifts, and any other transportation devices that people use. But Cuff still sides with doors in the end.
Sophomore Abraham Pollock agrees with Cuff but has taken a more unique approach to the question. He explains that in all of the Spongebob episodes he has seen there are not very many wheels compared to doors. He states that because of the live-action version of Spongebob his evidence is factual.
“This proves that Spongebob is real. Therefore there are more doors than wheels in the world,” Pollock explains.
Sophomore Morgan Crosier disagrees with Cuff and Pollock. She believes that there are a greater number of wheels in the world.
She states that everything seems to function on a wheel of some type. Crosier gives the example of a factory and how they use wheels to operate and move their machines. She explains that there probably will never be as many doors as there are wheels.
“…Wheels are just used more in our daily lives,” Crosier says.
In contrast to Pollock and Cuff’s beliefs Jackson Luszeck, who is a sophomore, agrees with Crosier. He states that there are much more physical wheels than there are doors in the world. Wheels are, in his opinion, usually on more objects compared to doors. Luszeck explains that things with wheels normally have multiples on them.
In conclusion, students each have different ways of viewing the debate and whether there are more doors or wheels in the world. Students at Shadow Ridge High School may never know which one is right or wrong, but there is enough evidence to debate about the subject for years to come.