Balance is Key

Courtesy of Joshua Sanford

Joshua Sanford on the soccer field

Julia Willhite, Journalist

All around Shadow Ridge High School, kids are hard at work. But are they really focused on school the entire time? Or are they thinking about all the things they need to get done before going off to their other activities such as clubs, jobs, and sports?

Student athletes are a large percentage of these students. Most juggle their sports, school work, responsibilities at home, sometimes jobs, and their social life all in a single day. So how do they make time for everything without falling behind and drowning in their school work?

Joshua Sanford, a sophomore soccer player, is one player who has had to figure this out and find his own happy medium after this fall season. Sanford plays for the JV team and from time to time will sub for varsity players. He practices each day after school, and plays in games 1-2 days a week. On top of playing soccer for Shadow Ridge, he also plays for a club team. Along with the sports, he is also taking all honors classes this year, and even has AP World History to deal with

One way Sanford has found a way to balance soccer and school, and keep up with his physical health as well is by staying on task and putting first things first. 

“I get most of my work done in school before practice or a game to finish most of the stuff I need to do,” Sanford said.

 He continues to do this while getting 7-8 hours of sleep, proving that student athletes can fit in anything after taking care of what they need to first.

Another student athlete who has learned how to manage his work after a tough season is junior Preston Bruley. Bruley plays on the JV football team at Shadow Ridge. With practices every day after school and games each Thursday, he has figured out his own unique way to stay on top of things.

Cole Stucki serving it up (Courtesy of Cole Stucki)

“When I’m in school, I focus on academics and do all my work. I continue to play because I love the sport.”

Could doing the big things first  be a recurring theme? For sophomore Cole Stucki it sure is.

Stucki plays on Shadow Ridge’s tennis team. They up the ante in tennis, with 2-3 matches per week along with their everyday practices. Because of this, there is even less time for Stucki to complete his scholarly duties. He manages all of this by not becoming lazy and finishing his work as soon as he gets home, even after all the hard work he puts into his sport. 

To him, however, it’s all worth it because of the joy he receives from playing. Stucki said, “I love playing my sport for the people around me. They are always fun to be around.”